My first attempt...
Whenever I ‘m here, I have the same strange feeling. It‘s like something is missing. It‘s like the full of staff room, is totally empty. The walls are white without windows. The sofa is gone, and the TV is missing. Everything leads me to the same thought and the same feeling; I miss you…
I walk on the same roads that we used to walk. I follow the same paths. It’s like the monks, doing every day the same things for a superior reason. From time to time I even speak alone. It’s like I speak to you but without you. I stare the places we used to stay and speak, the places we took some photos. They look the same but in the meantime, they look different. How sad...
I feel empty. My mind is clean, my soul is white and my heart had already stopped biting. How many times I told you that you are everything for me. My mind, my heart and my soul are yours. And now, here is the proof…
I keep smiling. It’s my natural defense. As far as I keep smiling, no one ask me if I ‘m right or not. It’s better like this. You see, I don’t have to apologize to anyone about how I felt, how I feel. But still, inside me, something burns me more and more. And when it burns me, the smoke take your shape and the fire arrows make me bleed. It’s pointless to fight it. It always wins...
How many times I said that it would be over if we will be together again. That you will put the fire out and you will blow away the smoke. There are so many times that I stopped counting. You see, alcohol is not a good advisor and its efficient outlast long. But with a clear mind, without the effect of any staff, I think that it’s better like this. It’s better for you to be there…
The nightmares that you will go away had already gone, by the time you left me. Now, I can dream again and I can fight for my dreams to come true. The only thing is still hard, is to believe in something, to believe in me…
I woke up. I cannot stand the smell of my breath. One more night, I was drinking alone. With my tobacco, I had a great conversation again. Holy shit, my head is going to blow up. This terrible headache is killing me. But I cannot complain. One more night I had a bad dream. I was dreaming you came back. I was dreaming you were here with me again. You were sleeping in my arms and as always, I was playing with your hairs. Your smell was great. I even can smell it right now.
If I had a wish, I wish our story was real…
P.S. English is not my mother-tongue language so any corrections are welcome...
Πιιινω πληρωνω για το χτες
μ'άδειες Κύυριακες
μια μπύρα, μια
μια κι άλλη μια
σαν απειλή σαν βρισιά
ψυχή μου πιεεες
πιες όσο θες
μήπως και πάρεις στροφές
τούρου ρουρού, τουρούρου ρούρου ρούρου ρουρού
Θα θελα να'σουν εδώ
ταν ταν
Στο τραπέζι που τα πίνω
λείπει το ποτήρι σου
και άλλα πολλά...
καταλαβα... να αφησω τις μαλακιες και να κανω κατι αλλο.. οκ, δεκτο...
εγω βεβαια θα κανω αλλη μια προσπαθεια εντως λιγων ημερων, ετσι, για να μην κατηγωρησω τον εαυτο μου πως δεν προσπαθησα...
Εγώ έγραψα μερικά στιχάκια που ταιριάζουν με το περιεχόμενο του ποστ σου. Τώρα τι μου λες να παρατήσεις και για προσπάθειες και ξερω γω, δεν έχω καταλάβει.
αναφέρομε στη συγγραφή.
αλλά το θέμα μου είναι, ποιος/α τυφλός/η το έχει χαρακτηρίσει σαν συναρπαστικό. έχω βέβαια δύο υποψίες. αν είναι άντρας, είναι από εδώ μέσα, ενώ αν είναι γυναίκα, είναι από χίο.
θέλω να μου πείτε αν έπεσα μέσα...
ela mori arrostia mou allodapi
anavo dio tsigara/kai pino dio pota/ to na gia sena/ t allo parigoria
kala re malakes uzuburu pws sas lene telospantwn. ti nomizete oti kanete??? eeeeeeeeeeeeee????!!!! exete auton ton malaka ton ksidias pws ton lene telospamtwn pou mas exei priksei t arxidia me tin katathlipsi tou na poume. ai sixtiiiiiir na oume. kai ton allo ton stepas ton ilithio pou tin exei dei gamatos k grafei olo malakies. kai nomizete oti eiste k radiofwnikoi paragwgoi k mas prizete oli tin wra me kati kwloekpompes k kala. pou oyte gia paragwgoi patatas dn kanete gamw tin koikwnia mou gamw. ante sovaefteite na poume giati den paei allo!!! k min ksanakanete sxolio sto blog mou min sas gamisw (aytos o malakas o stepas pou einai oli mera sto pc o kamenos o vlakas). OYST!
n.s. (kserete eseis...)
Λοιπόν δεν είναι ανάγκη να φωνάξω
για να με πιστέψουν, να πουν:" Όποιος φωνάζει έχει το δίκιο". Εμείς το δίκιο το 'χουμε
μαζί μας και το ξέρουμε. Κι όσο σιγά κι αν σου μιλήσω, ξέρω πως θα με πιστέψεις.
Συνηθίσαμε στα μικρά σταράτα λόγια πάνω απ' το φόβο και πάνω
απ' τον πόνο.
Όμως εσύ αδερφέ μου ξέρεις πως από τούτα
τα απλά λόγια , από τούτες τις απλές πράξεις, από τούτα τα απλά τραγούδια μεγαλώνει
το μπόι της ζωής, μεγαλώνει ο κόσμος, μεγαλώνουμε................
(Κι οχι να πείτε, Γιάννης Ρίτσος.)
Μεγαλώνουμε και ωριμάζουμε,με εσένα όμως τί γίνεται??
Τσ τσ τσ γιατί ανώνυμος?
Έτσι να λέμε πια τα σύκα-σύκα και τη σκάφη-σκαφη!