Keep under consideration...
It's funny... Actually it's really funny...
A couple of hour ago, a (foreign) friend of me asked me in facebook, what is "uzuburu-buru". I was tired and I was looking forward to go to sleep, when I thought "just a minute; I just told her that it's our blog (me and my friends) so she may wants to pay it a visit, so let's check if it has any recent topic in English, or maybe is better for her to let her read my topics that few of them are in English..."
So, as I was looking up what I 've wrote on this blog, I spent some time to read them, trying to put my self again in my shoes when I was writing them, when all these even actually happened, to remember my thoughts, to remember my feelings, to remember...
So, yes it's funny... it's funny to realize that NOTHING actually change since then...
It's funny to realize that the same political situation that we had one year and a half ago, remains the same, but with different people on the stage...
It's funny to realize that the people are the same, although I tried to change... (and I succeed it up to a level)
It's really funny that I can wish the same things for Christmas, because nothing actually changed...
It's funny that the same cops who murdered Alexis, "protects" us right now...
It's funny that we had AGAIN, this summer, some disastrous fires as the last summer's fires, as those the summer before the last one, as those the summer before that one... (and goes on...)
It's completely funny that every couple of years, it's been invented a new decease like the "crazy cow's", "the pig's flu", the one with the birds...
But the most funny of all, is that from the time I started read my topics, since now, I 'm so tired and I want so desperately to sleep, but I don't. The reason : simple stupidity...
Because it's simple stupidity if we believe that something gonna change one day. It's total illusions everything different around us. The only true thing is that if we see something different around us, it's because we have changed our sight... not because it has actually changed...
So, that's all folks... see you around...
P.S. and something that I didn't use for time is my signature...
Μια χαρά το ξεκίνησες το θέμα, ήταν πολύ εύστοχα αυτά που έγραψες ότι πάνω-κάτω η επικαιρότητα μαστίζεται από τα ίδια και τα ίδια με διαφορές μόνο στην όψη (πολλές φορές ούτε και σε αυτή) και όχι στην ουσία. Στο τέλος με απογοήτευσες όμως. Αναφέρομαι σε αυτό:
Because it's simple stupidity if we believe that something gonna change one day. It's total illusions everything different around us.
Δεν ξέρω αν πιάνω ακριβώς τι θες να πεις, αλλά αν μιλάς κυριολεκτικά τότε έχω να πω ότι τέτοια ηττοπάθεια και μοιρολατρία δεν την περίμενα; Είναι δυνατόν να πιστεύεις ότι δεν αλλάζει τίποτα;! Η ιστορία (και η πρόσφατη και η παλιά) σε διαψεύδει...
I just borrowed few lyrics of a song ;)
Ego fteo pou sou dino epihirimata...
Τρανσλέισον. Ιτ ις μάι μπλέιμ δατ άι γκιβ γιου αργκιουμεντς...